Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Gift to the County - Canned Food Drive.

Keep Johnston County Beautiful President Susan Woodard announces," The 2009 tree festival committee has endorsed the newest 'gift to the county,' a canned food drive/ food ministry as part of the sixth annual Christmas tree festival."
"We are asking festival visitors and patrons to contribute canned food goods to collection points at the festival site."
"This food ministry becomes another part of our gift for hungry Johnston families during the tough economic times in the 2009 holiday season."
"We see this as another way to help to Keep Johnston County Beautiful," President Woodard concluded.

To become a beneficiary of the KJCB food drive:

We ask that area food closets/banks contact our Food Drive Chairwoman, Deborah Jackson at her email mdeborahjackson@aim.com to list: contact person, name of organization, address , telephone number and delivery place for canned goods.
Ms. Jackson will be in contact by email for questions, concerns, etc. with respect to canned goods delivery.

Keep Johnston Couunty Beautiful will also be the first- time -sponsor this year of a "food tree," to promote the canned food drive. Tree theme will be "Share a can; Share a Christmas kiss!"
Please plan to visit the food tree while at the festival and enjoy a special Thank you holiday kiss.

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